Geep Schurman, aka Ahab, was born with
fibular hemimelia, which is a deformity of the limb’s bone structure and
associated muscle and tendons, often defined as congenital
absence of the fibula. It is the most common long bone deficiency of the
extremities. Geep
explained, “I had no fibula, and a deformed right foot with only 3 toes… the
entire right leg was shorter than the left. Before my amputation, my orthopedic
specialist fitted me with a full-leg brace, which was referred to as an appliance.”
In those days,
Geep called his appliance a “contraption” to help with his mobility. The
apparatus employed lace-up thigh and calf corsets, a buttocks ring for weight
support, knee hinges and steel support rods and a series of leather restraint
straps. He wore this apparatus from the time he was 2 years of age until he was
At 10, he had
his leg amputated, 7 inches below the knee. Even with the amputation, his first
prosthetic limb had metal rods, hinged at the knee, with a thigh corset, a buttocks
ring and leather hamstring restraints behind the knee. “The noticeable
difference in the new appliance,” Geep said, “was below the knee… since my foot
was now gone, the prosthetic technicians fashioned a wooden socket conformed to
the shape of the residual limb (stump) with a rubber foot attached to the end.”
experience with Powell began in the early 1950s before they were even in
business as Powell. “Marvin F. Pollard’s orthotic and prosthetics shop was a
block or two east of MCV on Broad Street,” said Geep. “They worked primarily
with amputees, but also helped me before my amputation, with adjustments to,
and the actual fabrication of my appliances. I remember my dad taking me in
that shop many a time for fittings and adjustments. I continued with Pollard
until my amputation in 1956… by then Tommy Powell, Sr. had purchased and
relocated the business to 414 West Broad Street,” said Geep.
His particular type of prosthesis was a
“Patella Tendon Bearing” (PTB), so named because it was designed to bear all
his body weight on the strongest part of the residual limb. For a period of
roughly 10 years post amputation, Geep had numerous minor surgeries to remove
cysts that would form due to pressure changes in the knee area. Every surgery
was followed by a recovery period, during which Geep was not able to wear the
prosthesis… and each surgery slightly altered the fit of the prosthesis. “I
would systematically visit Powell where they would “always” take the time
necessary to help me walk comfortably again.”
In 2012, Geep
went to Powell with a new request. “I told them I wanted to run,” said Geep.
“My wife is a marathon runner… I want to run a marathon too!” He met with Joe
Sullivan, one of the Powell partners who is also a BK (below the knee) amputee.
Joe was a Paralympic volleyball player, and currently coaches several local
teams, so he totally ‘got it’ when Geep said, “I want to run a marathon.”
“Joe takes the time to listen,” continued
Geep. “He’s always right there to help me. I told Joe I wanted a leg that I
could run on, moreover, that I was interested in distance running.” Geep’s
trust in Joe was rewarded. Geep said, “Joe put together a leg for me that
allowed me to run the 2014 marathon in Richmond!”
Not only did he
finish, but he also did it on a compressed training schedule due to a bout of
tongue cancer. “By August 2013, I was ready to run that year’s marathon,” said
Geep, “but I was diagnosed with tongue cancer and was in treatment until
December that year. After removal of my feeding tube in March of 2014, I was
back in training.” He ran the Monument Avenue 10K, the Patrick Henry Half and
completed the 2014 Richmond marathon in November.
He didn’t train
much from January of 2016 until May of 2017 while his wife, DeeDee, was
undergoing treatment for metastatic breast cancer. “I wanted to spend that time
with her and didn’t train,” he reflected.
Geep channeled his emotions into training with Team DD KIWI, the novice
marathon training team, that was named in his wife’s honor. “When she passed, I
joined the novice team, but my prosthesis wasn’t fitting correctly,” said Geep.
“Five years of below the knee atrophy had seriously compromised the fit.”
He went to see
Joe at Powell to replace his limb. He told Joe, “I want to upgrade from my
current ‘Variflex’ to a ‘Cheetah’ foot,” which is the choice of many distance
runners. “But - I want it to be an every day leg too…. not just for running.”
Powell answered the challenge. Building a prosthesis with a cheetah foot is
more labor-intensive, and time consuming, and between each stage of completion,
test-runs are necessary. By the middle of October it was ready. Geep remembers,
“The process was challenging, but the results were so worth the time and
effort. The ‘Cheetah’ is more comfortable than any of my previous legs.”
Geep hadn’t
trained since mid-July. “I started the marathon anyway,” he said. “even though
I only made it 22 miles. It wasn’t about winning or losing… only to have fun
and to honor my wife. I had the support of the entire marathon training team,
the encouragement of my running partners and DeeDee’s indomitable spirit… and
thankfully, the dedication of Powell. My plan is to get that medal in 2018 and
to enjoy the journey.”
determination like his – we have no doubt he will.